Tuesday, January 5, 2010

We're havin' a heat wave..

The temperature made it up to a balmy 36 today and it was a slow day at the office so Pat took off and decided to paint on the house. He said it was trying to paint with paste but enjoyed being out in the sunshine.

He said it was interesting being there for the whole day, because there was so much foot traffic he didn't understand.
People come and go all day long, wandering around, checking things out. He was pretty sure he knew who the electrical inspector was. He thought he looked like someone who might attend our church, but he was puzzled by the three guys who wandered in, looked around the house and talked about farts before leaving.

Everyone seems to accept this grand central station approach and it reminded me of when I had my children. There were so many people in and out that I often thought that Joe Blow could wander in, don a surgical mask and no one would know the difference.

Now Tom, our contractor, is sick.

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