Saturday, January 23, 2010


Here's the plaster guy. We ran over to see what was going on after watching Young Victoria (the best movie this season, other than The Princess and the Frog. ) We had a conversation with him, and told him the house in which we are currently living, has all the original plaster, we think it may even have some horsehair in it.

He mentioned that at Glencoe Village, a very nicely restored mill village, the plaster went right up to the bricks in one of the houses he looked at. There was no lathe to hold it.

This was the only link I could find to Glencoe. If you're driving in this area, it is definitely worth a peek.

Our plaster guy, very nicely, even stopped for a mo, so I could get a good picture. Not only is he interesting to watch ramble around the house on these stilts, he has a very nice speaking voice. As we drove away, we mentioned that everyone associated with this house has been a pleasure to watch work and speak to. They are all craftsmen, who do their jobs well. And, Thom, our builder is the one who has brought them all to this project.

Watching him on stilts made me think of that awful Charlie Sheen movie about aliens. Let me see if I can find the link.. It was The Arrival.


  1. I actually sort of liked that Charlie Sheen movie. And the aliens' knees went backwards. Very strange--and uncomfortable looking.
    I don't think that plastering is a really awful job. It's the drywall placement that is such a tough, heavy, draining job. Have you ever tried to pick up a piece of drywall? BB

  2. Sadly, yes. I have picked up too many pieces of drywall in my life, completely ignoring Tiddley's admonition against picking up anything heavier than a pillow. But then, look who I married. Mr. Malcontent... if it is there, it must be remodeled.

    Plastering is truly an art and to watch this fellow work, even on just covering the taped joints was fascinating, very graceful.

    Despite his issues, I love Charlie Sheen. I think that movie put me off my feed because of the alien knees. Sort of like the Hanninen stance on steroids.
