Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hard Headed People Wearing Hard Hats

The Fountainhead was on Turner Classic Movies this week. We dvr'd it so that we could look at it during cocktail hour. As with many novels of ideas, it didn't translate well to the talkies. Too much speechifying, but Patricia Neal's outfits were pretty cool.

This is the book which was based on Frank Lloyd Wright and his work. I know that at some point he distanced himself from the movie, I think he wanted credit for the drawings or something, don't hold me to that.

I like the book and may in fact re-read it while my granddaughter and I take a break from Harry Potter, she's on her first reading, and I'm embarrassed to admit how many times I've read about that kid.

Anyway, The Fountainhead is about sticking to your guns, in the face of adversity, or as the Polonius told Laertes,, "to thine own self be true." And don't forget, Polonius ends up dead shortly after saying that.

If you want to read another book about builders having problems with authority and the ruling mob, The Pillars of the Earth, and World Without End both by Ken Follett are very good too.

But be aware, Ms Rand's writings while dissed by some, are considered among the most influential in the world, based on surveys that rank her Atlas Shrugged up there with the Bible. Our own Alan Greenspan was a follower of hers and was at her deathbed.


  1. Who is John Galt? I loved Atlas Shrugged.
    I liked Pillars of the Earth, too but couldn't quite get up the energy to follow through with the sequel. I can't remember what it is called.
    The Fountainhead was good but not quite as inspirational as Atlas Shrugged. I couldn't seem to get a mental picture of Joan Crawford out of my head for the female main character. That would certainly put anybody off of a book, I would think. BB

  2. Patricia Neal was actually, physically perfect for the part, but she spent a good deal of time looking quite crazed. I think, overall, Raymond Massey as Gail Wynand was the best. The ending shot is actually the best part of the whole movie. I think it would be the same if they tried to make a movie of CATCHER IN THE RYE.. very hard to do well.

    WORLD WITHOUT END... is the sequel. I read it. Didn't like it as much as the first one. But I don't know if that's just because it was the second book... you know. People who read LORD OF THE RINGS first liked that the best...unless you read THE HOBBIT first...
