Saturday, January 2, 2010

Painting preparation

We have spent the last week painting soffits, fascia as well as siding. The siding and the fascia needs to be in place before it can be painted. The builders are amused by Pat's painting style. Usually, the painting is one of the last things to be done on the exterior. As soon as our builders put a board up, Pat has it painted.

The soffits present a little different problem, they are on the underside of the overhang. It is very difficult to paint upside down. We considered Michelangelo and the Sistine Chapel, and the very thought of doing that made us leery. So, while Pat has been climbing the scaffolding to paint the boards that are in place, I've been pre-priming and putting the finish coat on plywood in the hallway. That means, instead of doing ALL the work upside down, Pat can just touch up the high areas, while I-the height-o-phobic person, handles the lower level soffits.

We are also varnishing the interior, pocket doors in our basement. This is much more pleasant because it isn't so dang cold as the new house although the fumes are a bit much.

There's a picture of our sons-in-law who came over to help Pat move the scaffolding around so he could finish the trellis painting.

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