I look out on my backyard, see the remnants of last week's snows and am grateful'm not living in Perry, Ohio because then this scene could be anytime between St. Patrick's and Mother's Day...
However, the fact that the snow is still here after all this time (in Alamance County-snows have the same lifetime as hollywood marriages) means that it has been cold.. cold enough to run the kerosene heater while Pat and I worked on finishing up the cabinetry, cleaning up and varnishing. This means our clothes smell like kerosene. Not exactly up there with Chanel #5. It reminds me of when I used to visit Pat on the ships when he was in the Navy. Even the coffee had that distinct flavor of diesel.
That funny looking ship is USS SUMTER LST 1181, Pat's first duty station after he was commissioned. I think it is now a part of the Chinese Navy.
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