Thursday, November 19, 2009

Rainy Day construction

Shown is the beginning of the roof for the great room. As you can see, it introduces a new plane which lends interest.

The interior shots show a "dead" space that was created at the joint of the higher roof to the lower. One of the builders thinks we should put an aquarium in there, Pat immediately said, "that's where we can put the dead bodies," and I said it could be the "naughty zone," for bad babies which means our BOB could be spending his toddlerdom there.


  1. It looks like that dead space is just high enough that you don't want to put anything there that actually requires care and maintenance. That eliminates aquariums, plants--and probably even Bob. BB

  2. yes, so would be too difficult for us to put BOB up there. Especially, now that he has been fattened up with French food.
