Our builder, who prefers to remain anonymous until he's sure things are going alright, has put the stakes out on the property. I happened by just when he was finished and he walked with me into the imaginary house.
"This is a small house," I stated.
"I told you it was, " he agreed, smiling down at me. Are all contractors tall?
"Well, we're used to living on an 80 sq. ft. mini-trawler, so I think we'll be good."
Later on Pat and I were walking in the string bedroom.
"It's pretty small," I said.
"We're used to living on an 80 sq. fit boat," he replied.
The house while small, is not compact; it is expansive, and even though we have a pretty good sized lot, it takes ALL of it to fit within the setbacks. Picture a ranch house split down the middle and spread open. Each wing reaches to almost the lot line. It is the difference between a person standing with her arms down at her sides and one with her arms open to hug a long lost child. Both take up the same mass in the universe; one is tight, the other welcoming
Went to the friends and family sale to actually purchase our appliances... now I KNOW we're not family. The entire transaction took place with no screaming, no guilt and no remembrances of hurtful things past.
This was your best post yet. And I know you know this, but the house footprint always looks way, way small.