Monday, August 31, 2009
In the Beginning....
Sunday, August 30, 2009
There goes the neighborhood
Appraising the Situation, or every party has a pooper
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I thought we were finished with hauling young children around to house closings, but apparently not. The grandsons all acted pretty good. Even BOB, whom everyone knows is a bad baby, only stuck his finger in the outlet once.
Monday, August 24, 2009
How Firm a Foundation

Well, my theory about this being a "dense" house is more than supported by the floor which will support the whole thing. There 's so much junk in the floor I wouldn't be surprised to find Jimmy Hoffa in there.
Saturday, August 22, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Me and Wilt the Stilt
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Jumping the gun
Sunday, August 16, 2009
A stake through the heart

Friday, August 14, 2009
The Sound of Money
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
seriously hard core economics
A picture from the war zone
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
For Want of a Nail
Our fax machine isn't working correctly and hence communications between us and the bank are sort of slow right now. We replaced the fax and had my sister, who is the only person I know with a personal fax send us a test run, which worked, but then later on,, the bank couldn't get through. I had to reinstall the dang thing which involved the usual computer work of crawling around on the floor under desks etc. I then woke my sister up from her nap to fax us another test.
We still haven't received any banking faxes. But I have received a couple of good recipes. Including one from Southern Living that is a bean based pasta dish. I bought arugula for the first time in my life. Sounds good.
What does Usonian Mean?
In 1936, when the United States was in the depths of an economic depression, American architect Frank Lloyd Wrightdeveloped a series of homes he called Usonian. Designed to control costs, Wright's Usonian houses had no attics, no basements, and little ornamentation.
The word Usonia is an abbreviation for United States of North America. Frank Lloyd Wright aspired to create a democratic, distinctly American style that was affordable for the "common people."
Thanks to Jackie Craven of www. for this succinct explanation of the Usonian house.
I should have been able to remember that simple definition, but alas, my memory, never good, has been further damaged by too many falls from too many horses.
Our little house, should the bank agree to this endeavor, will have some ornamentation. We are putting in some art glass inserts in the 400 series of Anderson windows. If we just use the 400 series for those few places where we will have art glass and the 200 series elsewhere, we can save nearly $8,000.00 according to Pat's calculations.
Although we are "common people," we plan on having an uncommon number of windows.
It is so hot here, the Food Lion parking lot is gooey.