Sunday, September 13, 2009

Pillow talk

One area where a Usonian saves space is in the bedroom. Frank Lloyd Wright didn't think big bedrooms were necessary to life. Just a place to sleep and that's about it. Strange thinking from a man who was notorious for running away with at least one married woman and having numerous other affairs.

Anyway, on a certain level we agree with that. Our country home we built during the girls pre-adolescent years and in anticipation of many nights of sleepovers and dates, had a large master bedroom with a television viewing area and large separate front porch so we could hide from them. It didn't work. Most times, the gang just followed us in there, and ate popcorn on my nice Bates bedspreads and generally brought the mess into our sanctuary.

Years of sleepless nights have taught us a couple of things. Frank was right. Bedrooms should only be used for three things: 1. Sleeping 2. Reading a soothing book, not too big so that when it hits you in the nose when you fall asleep it doesn't hurt too much and 3. another activity of your choice which should NOT include working on a laptop or watching TV as both of those static imaging screens really, really mess up your sleep patterns.

So, our usonian will have very small bedrooms, no TVs but nice storage places for books.

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