We're headed to IKEA! To get our kitchen cabinets and bathroom sinks and furnishings.
Why IKEA you ask? Because IKEA understands small, compact and lean. The Raleigh News & Observer just had an article about the latest parade of homes. And, per usual, all the homes in the article seem to be massive, overdone Grandomania styles as Mr. Wright would say. We have walked through Lowes and Home Depot looking for very plain, yet nice kitchen cabinetry and it's just not there.-not in Alamance county anyway, so we have to go to Charlotte.
Also, with our concrete floor and radiant heat tubing, we're not keen on pounding nails into it to secure cabinets. Ikea's come with little feet. I like that. Also, they are good quality, easy to assemble and have nice features like drawers with an anti-slamming feature, which is quite nice.
I think that Mr. Wright would like IKEA. Although he was the quintessential AMERICAN architect, He believed in using new things and was influenced by other cultures such as Japan's.
In fact, when he was building his Usonians, plywood was the newest thing going and he made the cabinetry and furniture out of this new material. Now, of course, it's been around long enough, like dandelions, that we're not all that impressed with it.
And why now? Because IKEA is having a 10% off sale on kitchens right now. We could get more than that if we also bought the appliances from them, but I prefer Sears for that sort of thing.
I am NOT getting lunch there however, Tiddley made better Swedish meatballs.